For the most part I tend to keep quiet about the distractors of the autotuner cluserfuck known as music today and you'll be sadden to learn that Nicki No Talent Minaj is leaving American Idol after one season. Doesn't break my heart, I don't watch that crap and never did. Nicki No Talent is a piece of work herself, I think she remixed her last album about 10 times and none of them sold worth a shit. But don't cry for Miss No Talent, I'm sure the manufactured world of sheep media will continue to follow her around and hang for every nonsense word she says but as for myself I have better things to do with my time and don't have much of it anymore. I know I get good ratings and good laughs when I bring her up and such nonsense like Donald (roadkill wig) Trump, Ann the Man Coulter, Pillhead Rushbo Lumbaugh, and whatever passes for news being CNN or FOX. And cable itself, never have we paid so much to get so little in return. I mean you can't watch anything without 10 minutes of commercials and 2 minutes of movie. Even GAC, doesn't keep up to date with new country, their time capsule series is basically the same videos they started out when they arrived in Nashville (hardly anything before 1998). Even I haven't paid much attention to the Cubs this season, not that WGN shows them all that much, they really don't but we have had other life changing events that has cut into the time of wasting it watching crappy baseball and dealing with drug commercials and their GD E.D. commercials. In a era to which the fucking Right Wing Nut Jobs talk about repealing abortions and at the same time tout Viagra as the cure all for the problems of the world, you know something smells ripe and you need to take the garbage out. Too bad you can't do that with the assholes we have in Congress.
You get skeptical when you hear bullshit like the Keystone XL pipeline needs to be built so we can have cheap oil but nobody here is making new refineries, the black tar oil leaks and pollutes every GD thing that it touches and gas prices have gone up a whopping 60 cents this past month From 3.19 to 3.79 and you can't do nothing about it but bitch. Big Oil got ya by the balls once again. I get skeptical when these GOP idiots are fearing a black president elected by the masses and sit on their ass and pout or bitch about gay people and gay rights. You get Koch suckers like Eric Cantor who wants to eliminate overtime pay for corporations now, yeah that will create jobs in the slavery market. We been hearing shit like that from Cantor or the drunk speaker of the house or the NRA bought off Bitch McConnell talk about jobs and then all they do is introduce bills that create jobs overseas but not over here. You get tired of hearing that, and I used to bitch about that all the time at My Space and this is one of the few times that I will bring it up over here. I hold out some kind of hope that Obama could work with these assholes but I think we would have better results if a F5 Tornado tore through the Capitol, and take out each and every one of these do nothing fucks. Let's see if Paul Ryan can live off that voucher as a F5 takes him out to sea. Further the better.
Which brings us to new music of the lack of it. Problem is with most record stores out of walking distance we're pretty much having to scour things from the comfort of our own home. If I was in Madison or Phoenix, there would be a Zia's or Mad City Music X or Strictly Discs to keep us up to date but here you have to rely on Wally World or Best Buy for their selective crap although I was surprised Best Buy had the Sugarman Soundtrack. But nobody has the new Del Lords which came out this week, I got the new Graham Parker a half year after it was released and the ICON series from Universal is shit, it's doesn't improve on the 20th Century Masters all that much, just change the name and the picture and a track and two and more corporate rehash. In other words, it's Universal's way of plundering the vaults of EMI to put out shoddy best ofs. Beware brother beware.
Today's bands have a problem and that's competing against all the music that has been recorded and is on line or in the net and even though I do not buy Bob Lefsetz's self serving warning to the newbies to go into banking cuz I'm not going to play or listen to your music rhetoric, today's aspiring musicians must create music that catches the ear. Sometimes the old bands overstay their welcome, The Rolling Stones doing a 50th tour and Ronnie Woo Woo Wood defending those high ticket prices, Fleetwood Mac making a 4 song EP that nobody knew or cared about too much, and even at home and being played on net radio the new Townedgers CD No Exit got no sales, nor much talk about outside of this blog. Maybe the writing is on the wall, at some point even I have a cutoff date of bargain hunting. Even I cannot try to make sense of it all the music of the past 7 decades of rock and roll and the ones before that. Even with a big collection, I overlook even some of the CDs that I have on site. I don't think there's much left for me to even review anymore. But still going to Arizona or Madison I still find something that I overlook and I'm sure when I return to the 100 degree heat of the desert I'll be bringing a bag home of tunes, cuz that's been the way I been doing things for years upon end.
With the Arizona trip a month away, I have an idea of what I will be doing, and of course that will be stops at Half Priced Books, Zia's, Hastings and FYE and some of my favorite gut busting diabetes enhancing food and drinks but don't look for me to stop at Amy's Baking Company anytime soon in Scottsdale. Even before Kitchen Nightmares, that place always had a bad reputation. The backlash has been furious and the owners have fought back with every retort to the negative reviews that they continue to get. But for some reason I wouldn't be surprised if some lowlife cable network offers these folks their own reality show. I'm sure Food Netwook or TLC and even E entertainment would be knocking at their door. and
Finally, I renamed that Observations from the fore front blog about Ari Up and others to something else since its a runaway hit with the No Deposit Casino from Jux. com. I think it's a sham myself but thanks for putting it into the top 10 all time read guys. But I still don't recommend you.
And for the first time ever, gas prices have hit four dollar a gallon here, prompting a lotta hatred toward big oil and them shutting down two Chicago based refineries for maintenance, just in time for the Memorial Day weekend. Goddam Greed is going to be the end of it all.
I hate them all.
Yeah, we R knocking on the door of $4/gallon here 2 -- what gets me is that 2 weeks ago The Media reported that gas supplies were HUGE, demand was Below Normal, & we should B dropping back down 2 $3.20/gallon SOON. How could they B so F'ing WRONG? It's all F'ing hype & speculation. Haven't heard 2 much complaining about prices yet, tho....
1 place just down the road from us is already at $4.15....
The big pain in the ass is that they shut down two refineries in Chicago, just before Memorial Day. But right now this is the highest we ever paid for it here 3.94 and Minneapolis is 4 39. The biggest WTF is going on moment here. I feel sorry for the poor clerks who have to work at the gas station and hear people bitch about it to them.
rest assured this won't pospone any NASCAR events....
Crabby: Will you be doing a piece on Ray Manzarek dying? I'm not a big enuf Doors fan 2 do 1 ... Bsides, I thot a lot of his organ playing on their songs was kinda cheezy ... tho I heard his solo albums sometimes got a little Out There....
I'll probably mention him in a forthcoming blog or so. Stay tuned ;)
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