Last year at this time Jim Rogers, one of our senior employees died, and this weekend we lost one of our best programmers at Pearson. Dennis (Boone) Novy passed away this weekend, having a heart attack while mowing the yard. His wife found him unresponsive.
Boone always had a laugh and a smile and acknowledged and say Hi and bullshitted with anybody that he would meet. He had a howl that when you heard it you knew it was him. It's hard to believe that he was here just last Friday, wishing everybody a great weekend and cracking a bad joke or two.
I'm sure there will be a top ten this week, but I had a couple other issues that I won't get into. I haven't been much in a good mood and have sunk into a dark depression once again. Half the time I can't keep from weeping but someday I'll get over it. After all, there's more bargains to find, more music to review and report to my trusty twenty readers.
Hope to see ya in the Great Beyond Boone. I probably won't make it to your visitation or funeral but rest assure that I will miss you dearly. Ride easy my friend, ride easy.