Sunday, July 29, 2012

Crabb Bits: Ragbrai wrap up, My Verona/The Knack

Not a lot to talk about so basically it's a wrap up of the month and what the next month will bring.

My brother told me that they were still wailing away with the blues when he got home during the RAGBRAI blues fest at Viola Schoolgrounds.  If I knew that was going to happen I would have stayed here to watch a bit more.  It was a fun day to be in this town and I'm sure we won't have this again, unless the bike route comes back sometime in the future.  And also a salute to the few that have rode all forty RAGBRAI events and still live to tell about it.

Another classmate has passed on.  Randy Oldenburger lost his battle with cancer at age 50. I went to school with him, was probably in the infamous American Studies class with him and the girls that made life a living hell for me back then (Anne Luzum and the one that probably made me undesirable for anybody after that, Miss Janice Berns).  I knew him as a causal person but he lived a full life and will be missed by his family and friends.

Well the Peregrine Owner Russ Wasendorf Jr is now in bigger hot water.  After bilking from costumers and trying to kill himself off, he's now accused of stealing The Knack's My Sharona song for that infamous My Verona Restaurant jingle and not paying a a cent for royalites.  I'm surprised that The Knack didn't know anything about their song being used for a commercial that seemed to run every day for about 5 years.  I mean somebody had to know about this (internet helloooo?).

Thanks to everybody for putting this site over 2,000 views for the second straight month.  I would like to think that we'll getting close to the prime time but again most of the views went for the Rock n Roll Brains blog which continues to get views and may close in around 5,000 views sometime later in the year.  I had to modify some things so I don't get many comments as I used to.  Maybe I'll relax the rules and return the Anonymous comments but since none of them have been music related it's basically not worth the time or hassle to read about some new porn site or how to get more followers.  Still, although I haven't wrote as much as I had the last month, I'm still amazed that we have managed to achieve viewership but then again we have plenty of archives to discover.

What does the next month have in store?  More Top Tens, more Singles Going Steady and maybe Music Of My Years.  And more adventures.  Stay tuned. 

1 comment:

drewzepmeister said...

I believe my folks rode their bikes on the RAGBRAI back in the '90's.